Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Finding Time to Practice

I like to plan.  Those of you who know me well are rolling on the floor laughing your butts off at that sentence.  Saying I like to plan is like saying the Pope is Catholic, or the ocean is wet, or beaches are sandy.  I exsist, therefore I plan. 

I am beginning to think that this is why I struggle to practice - when I'm not actively taking lessons that is. And I'm highly unlikely to find random 100$ bills in the couch to pay for lessons.  Yes.  They're that expensive.  I practiced alot when I was in grad school.  Not 8 hours a day practice, like some of my classmates, but I logged a decent number of hours.  But after grad school, and a year of dissapointing auditions, I fell off the praciting bandwagon.  I had wagon tracks permantly tatooed on my back.  I would start up, vow to keep it up, and fall off again about two weeks in.  The only things that kept me practicing regularly were sints as a teacher, and the community orchestra I played for.  This is key.  I need goals.  A concert, a lesson, a recital.  Without goals, how can I plan?  And without a plan how can I exsist?  And, sadly, I'm only sorta kidding here. 

This summer, a friend and I vowed to get together and play.  We've done it once.  She's called me a couple times to reschedule, and we're gonna play again in a couple weeks.  My crazy life precludes anything sooner right now, and truthfully, I don't want her to know how bad I probably sound right now.  I will get back in shape.  I will not attend the first rehearsal of the season with dread because I know I have no endurance left.  I downloaded an app for my phone which is supposed to help me plan my practice.  If I can find time to run, I can find time to practice.  If I can find time to devour three books a week, I can find time to practice.  If I can find time to bake three loaves of bread in a day, I can find time to practice.  If B can find time to program (for FUN????) an hour EVERY.  DAY?  I can find time to practice a couple times a week.  In grad school I practiced four hours a day most days, and at LEAST an hour every single day.  The only way I could accomplish that now is if I could strap the kids to the couch, and, apparently that's frowned upon.   Just because I can't devote that kind of time to it right now is no reason to skive off completely.  Much can be accomplished in half an hour.  I need to remember that.  And Auntie L?  Don't kill me in a couple weeks, ok?  :D

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